Tuesday, May 1, 2012

My hope for the future is to use my creativity to make people happy. And maybe that wont happen all of the time, but i hope that most of the time it can make people remember what they see, and hopefully enjoy it.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Gladwell's Criteria:

Based off of Gladwell's criteria, I believe I am a connector rather than a maven or salesman... And here are the reasons why:

            1. I would say I know a good amount of people for being 21 years "young." I know this number will grow with time and age, but from living in California, traveling during summers, and attending school in Alabama I have accumulated a lot of friends, connections, and acquaintances throughout the years. And because of this, I think that it is even easier for me to make new friends and meet new people regularly, and its not just that I can make new friends and meet new people, but I enjoy doing it.

            2. I also like to keep friendships, relationships or even acquaintances open. I feel that I can talk to or connect with any of my relationships or acquaintances at anytime, even those that I consider to be "weak ties."

            3. And lastly I know and connect with a variety of different people. My connections are from different places, vary in ages, and definitely have all different kinds of personalities. But I enjoy being around different people, I get to bored being in one place with the same people.

I feel that I work better with different people and diverse places and things that push me and introduce me to new things to learn, hence my belief that I am a connector.

Thursday, March 29, 2012


The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo:

The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo is one of my favorite movies in the last year. I loved everything about the film, from the twisted opening graphics to the soundtrack. So here are my intertextual connections to the film:


Seven (1995)- Genre: Film
Seven is a film about two detectives desperate hunt for a sadistic serial killer. One detective a rookie and the other detective a veteran, collaborate to piece together a horrifying crime streak. The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo also pairs two very different detectives to solve a mysterious crime.  Also Seven was filmed by the same director as The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, David Fincher.

Good Will Hunting (1997)- Genre: Film
Good Will Hunting’s main character Will Hunting, played by Matt Damon, plays the role of a brilliant janitor at MIT that opens up and finds himself with the help of his psychologist in the film played by Robin Williams. Will Hunting has a genius level intellect; he also has a photographic memory just as Lisbeth Salander in The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo.

The Social Network (2009)- Genre Film
The film portrays the story of how the famous social networking site known as Facebook began. The Social Network as a distinct dark ambient soundtrack created by Trent Reznor. This beautifully compiled soundtrack won multiple awards including a Gold Globe and an Academy Award. The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo also has a uniquely distinct dark soundtrack that was also composed by Trent Reznor.

Sherlock Holmes (2009)- Genre: Film
The film tells the story of detective Sherlock Holmes and his unlikely partner Dr. John Watson racing to stop murderous crimes. Lisbeth Salander, an alienated dark detective, is paired with disgraced journalist Mikael Blomkvist, making an unusual pair, to solve a murderous crime in The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo.


“Criminal Minds” (2005) – Genre: Television Crime Drama
“Criminal Minds,” a crime drama on CBS, follows a team of FBI members who solve some of the most disturbing criminal cases. Dr. Spencer Reid, a member of this FBI team, is a pure genius with a photographic memory that he uses to solve some of the most difficult crimes just like Lisbeth Salander.

Sweden – Genre: Geography
The story of The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo was written by a Swedish author and also takes place in the country of Sweden.

The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo trilogy (2005) – Genre: Literature
The film The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo is based off the first book of a famous trilogy series written by the late Swedish author Stieg Larsson.  These dramatic thrillers have become a best seller in both Europe and the United States.

“Monk” (2002) – Genre: Television Series
“Monk” is a show based on a brilliant former police detective that suffers from obsessive-compulsive disorder. Monk, played by Tony Shalhoub, also has a photographic memory just as Lisbeth Salander.


A.O Scott - Journalist and Movie Critic, New York Times
“Tiny as a sparrow, fierce as an eagle, Lisbeth Salander is one of the great Scandinavian avengers of our time, an angry bird catapulting into the fortresses of power and wiping smiles off the faces of smug, predatory pigs.”

James Berardinelli – Online Film Critic, Reelviews
“This is what a movie adaptation should be: a film whose base narrative has its roots in the source material but whose soul can be identified through the images that unfold on screen. "


Tyler Fehr via Twitter (@thatkid_fehr)
“Girl with a dragon tattoo… Its pretty crazy movie. Watch it!”

Thursday, March 1, 2012

most VALUABLE topic....

i feel as though i am going to be taking a lot away from this class in general by the end of the semester, but so far i think the most valuable take away was the topic of "Nobody is born creative, and we all have the same amount of ability to become quote on quote... creative." I have always heard people use the excuse... "Well i cant do that, im just not creative" and it makes me a little crazy. i look at creativity like a muscle. you have to use it, push it, stretch it for it to work... So of course after having that lecture proceeded to return home to one of my roommates who is a nursing student and seriously a pure genius. Her memory is insane. She has basically aced everything since she started kindergarten... but she has also said she is "not creative AT ALL" at numerous points of our friendship and believes there is not one creative bone in her body. So i told her all of us have the same amount of potential to be creative and that her and i were not born with different amounts of creativity, and that maybe she just isn't USING her creative bones in that body of hers. She of course did not believe me and tried to test the theory right then and there, which probably not the best way to conduct research, but she said she would try to draw. because she said she cant even draw a stick figure. so i went along with it and told her she has to put thought and time into it like she does her studies and she promised she would. she grabbed the closest "artistic looking" thing in her apartment, which happened to be a flower pot with a flower design, and she said "i bet i cant even draw one of these flowers....." 15 minutes later this is what came out.....

now its no Picasso piece of art.... but she (and i) were both presently surprised. I explained creative doesn't mean = drawing and painting like some people think, but she is finally warmed up to the perspective that she has been flexing her book smart brain muscles where as i have been flexing my creative brain muscles.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Test Preparation Rituals....

Although I found humor in actually writing my test preparation rituals out, I swear they work for me. I usually wake up extra early (5:00am)... it might shock some but I am what you would call a "morning person." Once I am awake I make a cup of green tea to get myself going. Even though I cant listen to music while studying I do listen to HGTV at a low volume. It works for me because #1. its boring #2. no one ever yells on HGTV, the monotone voices are easy on the ears and #3. they never show anything shocking that might catch my eye. I  also like to light a candle because its calms me. I like Febreeze's Lavender Vanilla scented candle the most, it smells like peace. And finally, I like to write in a black Pilot .05 pen. It rolls so nicely on the paper and makes my hand writing look pretty and clean. Yes these rituals sound a bit odd, but they are proven to work... for me. And I'm not planning on changing them anytime soon.

Monday, February 20, 2012

How I am investing in myself....

There are many small ways that i feel i am making an investment in myself that will hopefully benefit me in the future. Since my career path is toward the creative side of advertising, i feel that its important to grasp as many different forms of creativity and views of creativity to create an open mind. So, this last year i picked up photography as a class/hobby. Not anything like taking a picture on my phone and using Instagram kind of photography, but a black and white 35mm film camera photography. At first i found it challenging to depict emotions or feelings through a lens when I'm so used to drawing but it has really pushed me to see different things, even such ordinary things in a different light. I think it really has expanded my knowledge and appreciation for different forms of creativity. Starting this new hobby has given me that extra push to get out and try new things that i wouldn't have even tried before. It showed me how important it is to always keep expanding and growing... you never know what you actually like until you try it.

Something forgotten and recently discovered...

Recently (meaning the past year) I have rediscovered my love/hate for journaling. When i was younger keeping a journal was tough, due to the fact that i was not good with writing daily entries. I wasnt and still am not a fan of writing. My sister has novels of her childhood years where as i have random entries... notes... and doodles. With this discouraging comparison i gave up journaling for good, until recently. I realized I didnt have to write novels and use it purely for "journaling" my life. Instead i have been keeping a journal filled with drawings, lyrics, inspiring quotes... this puts way less pressure on me for making daily entries and spelling every word correctly. Instead anytime I'm feeling inspired i can put it down on paper. Here are a few of the doodles: